I went on vacation with my boyfriend last year and we both took our laptops. At one point, my boyfriend wanted to use my laptop because he said his didn't have online connection. I said sorry but I have personal stuff on my laptop and I wouldn't let him use it. I went out for a while and when I came back, my laptop was stacked right on top of his laptop on the table. When I asked why my laptop was sitting on top of his laptop, he said he didn't know, it could have been the hotel housekeeping that put it there.
Ask-A-Techie, Where you can have all of your questions answered.
Hi Techie,
I've been hearing about viruses that attack smartphones. Is this just scary digital campfire stories, or do I have something to actually worry about with all the things I do on my phone?
Digital Worrier
Hi Techie
I have an old HP scanner/fax/printer. I recently heard that my printer can store your personal info inside somewhere and you should remove it before getting rid of it? I called HP and they said they don’t think that it could store anything. I want to believe them, but I also want to be sure. Help! – Jane
Dear Techie,
I work from home and as a result end up with a lot of things on my hard drive that I want to securely delete. I know that when I “delete” something it goes to my Recycle Bin. How do I make sure that when I get rid of something it cannot be brought back?
D. Liet
Dear Techie
I have an older computer that keeps saying my disk space is low. I haven’t installed anything on my computer that takes up space. What should I do?Thanks,
Spaced Out
Hi Techie,
I use Gmail for all my email for both home and business. I know they have backups of everything I write and send but I know that I should have backups myself just in case. Looking around Gmail, I can’t seem to find any way I can save and backup my years of email, what can I do?
Dear Techie,
The last time I updated Firefox (to the newest version, 8.0), it took out my list of bookmarks, and the top bar.. ie; (File, Edit, View, Tools, Help),
All that was left after this was this the Bing toolbar and Ask.com bar which I do not remember installing.
Ask.com was also installed on Internet Explorer. I didn’t want either Bing or Ask.com in either browser but they appeared one day. What can I do?