Dear Techie,
Being bored and an insomniac, I happened to come across a late-night commercial for a service called Carbonite. It claims to automatically back up all my data so if something happens (or as they say "Before disaster strikes") my data is all protected. I just can't really get my mind around what the service is. I have a few gigabytes of photos and documents stored on my PC and I am worried that it will die on me one day and I will be left without copies. Should I use this service? Will disaster strike me? Did I leave the oven on? Why is the number 42 important? The suspense is killing me!
— Freaked out non-geek
Ask-A-Techie, Where you can have all of your questions answered.
Hi Techie,
I use Gmail for all my email for both home and business. I know they have backups of everything I write and send but I know that I should have backups myself just in case. Looking around Gmail, I can’t seem to find any way I can save and backup my years of email, what can I do?