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Ask-A-Techie: Virus Alert

Posted by Serges LaRiviere on Sat, Jan 28, 2012

Hi Techie,

My computer started doing some strange things in the past few days and I think I have a virus.  I was online and an error message came up saying I had a virus infection, so I clicked the button and it started to scan my computer.  It says I have over 9000 viruses on my computer.  How did this happen?   I have an antivirus program, isn’t that supposed to stop the viruses?  The program that detected the viruses isn’t even my normal anti-virus, I don’t know how it got there, but at least it was able to detect those viruses.  It wants me to enter a credit card number to pay for a full version of the software.  Only then will it remove all the viruses.  What should I do?

Panicked and Infected


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Tags: Virus removal, Viruses, Scams, PC Fix, Fake Antivirus, Ask-a-techie, PC tips, Security