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How to Identify an Operating System for Everyone... And What is an OS?

Posted by Caitlin G on Thu, Jun 01, 2017

Dear Techie,

I was recently asked what Operating System I was using, and didn't know the answer. I have a Dell notebook with Microsoft and I think it has Windows on it. What exactly is the operating system? Why are there so many names?

Puzzled in the Pioneer Valley

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Tags: Operating System, apple, Microsoft, Windows 10, linux

Should you be turning off your PC at the end of the day?

Posted by Edward Drummond on Sat, Jun 30, 2012

It used to be that shutting down a computer frequently would stress out the hardware and cause it to fail earlier.   W
ith the advances in power-saving technology as well as the quality of certain components over the last decade, that is no longer the case.  In fact, the longer a computer is kept powered on, especially with laptops and netbooks, the faster the computer will age and eventually fail.

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Tags: Keeping your PC working, Operating System, PC tips, PC Tips'n'tricks, Speed up my computer, Windows Tweaks

5 Simple Custom Tweaks for Windows

Posted by Serges LaRiviere on Thu, Apr 26, 2012

At Northampton Computer Repair we are always being asked questions from non-techi people about their computers and how they can accomplish task that might seem simple to techi but to the uninitiated can prove dauting. So here are 5 custom tweaks for Windows that we have been asked how to do. After reading the article let us know if you have a question that's been bugging you and we will gladly answer all. 


1 – Create Icons From a Photo: Browse to http://icofx.ro and download & install icoFX. Choose File > Import Image and select a picture you would like to turn into an icon. If it’s bigger than 245×256, enter its dimensions here or cancel and resize it in our usual graphics program and import it again. Choose Icon > Create Icon from image. Now supply the resolution and color depth of each of the icons that you want to generate. Click OK. You can now edit and save each one individually.

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Tags: Operating System, PC Tips & Tricks, PC Fix, PC tips, Windows Tips, Customize Windows, Windows Tweaks