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How to Identify an Operating System for Everyone... And What is an OS?

Posted by Caitlin G on Thu, Jun 01, 2017

Dear Techie,

I was recently asked what Operating System I was using, and didn't know the answer. I have a Dell notebook with Microsoft and I think it has Windows on it. What exactly is the operating system? Why are there so many names?

Puzzled in the Pioneer Valley

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Tags: Operating System, apple, Microsoft, Windows 10, linux

How to download an older version of an app when it requires a newer iOS than you are using - QUICK FIX

Posted by Chris Allard on Thu, Jun 02, 2016

If you have an older generation iPhone (4/4s/5/5c/5s) or iPad (1st/2nd/3rd generation) that has an older version of iOS than the most current one, you may run into a problem trying to install apps made for higher version of iOS. You will get an error saying "This app requires iOS version 8.xx or later" or something similar.

Don't give up until you've tried this quick and easy workaround.

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Tags: iOS, apple

iPhone Voice-Recognition Software

Posted by Serges LaRiviere on Sat, Jan 21, 2012

It turns out the star of the iPhone 4S was not the phone itself but rather Siri, the iPhone voice recognition software. Unlike traditional voice-recognition of the past that made you bark commands; Siri understands natural language, the same language we use to navigate the world.

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Tags: apple, iphone, siri, voice recognition