So you may be wondering to yourself “Why do I have to get out of bed every morning and make my own coffee and drive myself to work? Why can’t the coffee make itself? Why can’t the car drive itself? Why do I have to stand up by myself?” Well the answer to all those questions is “Because someone hasn’t made a way to fix that yet.” We are slowly working toward our goal, however, with some of the greatest inventions mankind has ever devised.
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Bad Ideas,
Windows 10 isn’t free anymore and that’s bad news for anyone who didn’t get the chance to upgrade before the free period ended. You might think you’re consigned to spending the rest of your days using Windows 7 or shell out $130 for the cheapest copy. You would be mistaken. The cheapest copy of Windows 10 you can get right now is actually in the neighborhood of totally free.
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Windows Tips,
Windows 10,
Activate Windows
There I was, sitting on the couch. I was going through facebook and I see this ad for “Shadow Blade Extreme 7.” It looks really cool. Good graphics, fun gameplay, and cats! I load the app up and my phone comes up with a notification.
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mobile security,
mobile malware,
malicious apps
It’s a dark and stormy night. You sit down to binge watch 3 entire seasons of some obscure show no one has ever heard of, but you’re pretty sure it’s even better than “Lightbug”, which got canceled by Wolf News Network after its first season. Dread slowly sets in as the browser comes up with nothing more than an “Oops! We can’t seem to connect to the internet!” You aren’t connected to the internet. And you don’t know why. Thunder crashes.
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