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Worst Passwords To Use

Posted by Serges LaRiviere on Mon, Dec 17, 2012

Creating a password for any online site is important but especially for sensitive informational sites like your banking or investment accounts. This task should be taken very seriously and time spent on creating secure passwords to prevent someone from hacking into your accounts. To many people out there are not doing this and using terrible passwords leaving themselfs open to a hacker breaching their accounts. Splashdata, a security software developer, recently released its annual top 25 list of the most common account passwords being used on the internet and I was floored when I seen what people are using. Everyone knows there are bad guys out there trying to hack into anyones account they can get into and do as much damage as they can not to mention empting your bank account. Even with this threat there are still people out there not taking this very seriously. Here is the list of the 25 worst passwords being used:

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Tags: Strong passwords, weak passwords, password security