Northampton Computer Repair Blog

How Much Does Computer Service Cost?

Written by Serges LaRiviere | Tue, Jun 25, 2013


 One of the first questions anyone wants to know about a product or service is "How much is this going to cost me". When you go on line to research some thing no matter what it is, once you find a site that seems to appeal to you the next thing you do is look for pricing, right. Of course you do, and I do the same thing. I don't know about you, but when I get to the point of liking what I see on a website but can't find the pricing, I just  go to another website. You the consumer have been conditioned to expect to see all of the information on a website and that is how it should be. You don't want to be bothered with having to pick up the phone, dial a number, explain what you have seen on their website and ask about the cost, that's insane in this day and age.

It has always baffled me as to why so many computer repair sites don't have any mention of what there services cost. It's the one thing that every consumer wants to know so why would you not put this information on your website? The only answer I can think of is that they are afraid they'll end up turning off the consumer or possibly scare them off. What a crock. If your pricing is to high not putting on your website will not bring you more customers because sooner or later the question of what it cost is going to come up. My opinion is put your pricing out there and let the consumer decide if they want to do business with you or not. When a company leaves out pricing information it's so that you will have to call. The reasoning here is if they can get you to call they have a better chance at making a sale. I disagree, information is key when using the internet and if one business doesn't give the consumer what they need another one will.

That being said, I will be the first to admit that all services cannot have a price written in stone. The same goes with parts. Sometimes there is an unusual request like building a PC from the ground up. There are times when a new virus might take more time than your standard virus will take to remove. But these are the exceptions to the rule. In those cases we evaluate the job and give the customer a quote as to how much time we feel it will take to complete the task. In these instances we work very closely with the customer every step of the way and will never go over the quote without first calling and getting the ok.

But generally most computer task can be done in a certain amount of time and all business that do computer repair know's that. Here at Northampton Computer Repair we firmly believe in giving you the consumer all of the information and pricing right on our website, no hiding or playing games. You don't have to call us to find out how much it will cost you to install and configure a new hard drive. What it will cost for a virus removal or to install new software. We lay it all out for you.

When you go to our website you will see front and center at the top of the page "Pricing Infomation". You don't have to search for it on our site. There is even a short Glossary at the bottom of the price list that explains some common terms that are used in the repairing of computers.

Besides the up front pricing we also have a Blog on our website that features articles that aim's to help and explain tips, tricks and solutions to computer problems. We also try to showcase software products that we think could be useful to many end users. If you would like to check it out go to and click on the tab at the top of the page, "Our Blog". We also love to hear what you would like us to write about.

Northampton Computer Repair is here to help, let us know what we can do for you.


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