Northampton Computer Repair Blog

How to deal with interruptions

Written by Serges LaRiviere | Fri, Feb 03, 2012

Everyone has routines and many of us are thrown off by interruptions.  Even the most professional individuals are often thrown by simple obstacles to our day.  There are a select few people in this world who just shrug off things like this and continue on in their day, often with humorous outcome.  Meet Lukas Kmit, a Slovakian violist who is one of those elite:

Partway through a solo, an audience member’s phone rings (occurs about 0:36 in the video).  The musician looks at the phone owner briefly, then copies the phone ringtone on his viola.  He proceeds to improvise on the tune of the ringtone in a flash of creativity.

Sometimes all it takes is to take change in stride and move with it.


The musician’s corollary to Murphy’s Law: The probability of a mobile phone ringing during a concert is directly proportional to the tenderness of the moment. - From